
Jump! Partner & Team

Fédération Ecoconstruire

The lead partner of the project is the umbrella organization of the French eco-construction training organizations. The Federation represents its members, harmonises training methods, accredits training organizations and is responsible for nationally valid training certificates.

JUMP!ies are: Lydie Didier, Camille Melquiond, Julien Cerri, Agnès Lapouge


The association of French earth builders has been responsible since 2006 for communication, cooperation and exchange of know-how of relevant stakeholders, nationally and internationally.

JUMP!ies are: Luc Van Nieuwenhuyze, Sylvie Wheeler, Grégoire Paccoud


– The Austrian Strawbale Network documents, researches, develops and advises on straw bale building – since 1998. Operator of one of the world’s largest information and network platforms on the web, active training organization.

JUMP!ies are: Herbert Gruber, Helmuth Santler, Florian Steinleitner, Karin Julia Haas


– The focus of the “education workshop for sustainable development” lies on advanced vocational training on ecological building. The ultimate goal is to develop a comprehensive education for sustainable development.

JUMP!ies are: Dittmar Hecken, Heinz-Michael Fischer


– Since its founding in 2001, the interest group “architecture for sustainable development” has established itself as the most important network and training organization for environmentally sound construction and renovation in Slovakia.

JUMP!ies are: Zuzana Kierulfová, Marián Ontkóc, Roman Miškov


– Earth Building UK & Ireland, a partner organization of the UNESCO chair Earthen Architecture, has been committed to promoting the development of earth building in the UK and Ireland since 2007 through research, information and training.

JUMP!ies are: Rowland Keable, Tom Morton, Louise Halestrap

Stiftelsen Johannesdalsinitiativet

– The Swedish initiative aims to protect and promote the inner, immaterial values ​​of people and to activate and develop their creative abilities. The main instrument for this is Tilitsverket – the trust agency.

JUMP!ies are: Anders Freudendahl, Johannes Riesterer, Patrick Kratt


The French straw bale building network, a non-profit organization with about 500 members, has been pursuing the goal of promoting this type of construction since 2006, in particular through information and networking activities. Europes first provider of professional training.

JUMP!ies are: Pierre Pintard, Dirk Eberhard, Damien Grumbach