
What do you want with your organization?
Tillitsverket wants to inspire a positive change in the world. To raise hope and capacity among people and initiatives to create a future based on human values such as empathy, trust, creativity and collaboration.

Why do you want it?
The complex problems of modern society cannot be solved with the same perspectives and tools that once created them. Something new needs to grow. A new aspect of something that already exists. It is not revolutionary. But it can revolutionize our way of thinking and working for a better world. A way towards a humane sustainable future.

How do you try to reach your goal?
We engage people – children, youth and adults – in experiences, dialogue, play and creativity to increase inspiration and consciousness around the human values and capacities that can create a world we want to live in.

What is your superpower?
Our awareness that we are not experts, we are humans.

Email: info@tillitsverket.se
Web: www.tillitsverket.se
Address: Tillitsverket / Stiftelsen Johannesdalsinitiativet
Ingarö, Sweden